**Welcome to the 2016 schoool year parents and fans! Soon we will have exciting news for you all so stay tuned and check in frequently!

Congratulations to Taylor Lewis signing with St. Catharine's College!
Good luck next year Tay!! We are proud of you!
**NOTE GAME DAY CHANGE** (March 30 in place of March 31)
(9/5/14) Recruiting Night With Randy Rodgers September 15, 7:00 KHS Auditorium
This is a must see event for parents of KHS athletes. Randy Rodgers is one of the most respected recruiting analyst in the country. He works closely with High School and College coaches on player evaluation throughout Texas and the nation. He will offer insight into any questions you may have regarding the recruiting process and what it takes to be a collegiate athlete. We encourage all parents to attend this free of charge event on September 15 at 7:00 pm in the Klein High auditorium.
(9/5/14) Check back daily for more information regarding our first Booster Club meeting
Last updated- 3/05/2015